Employment Network Hawaii offers the following services free of charge to Social Security beneficiaries on the island of Hawaii.
- Transportation assistance
- Case management
- Job Training
- Personal Attendant Support Services
- Post-Employment Support (Job/Emplymt Retention Services)
- Referral to Services/Support from Local MH or DD Providers
- School to Work Transition Services
- Career Strategies (skills assess & develop, job coaching)
- Habilitation Services (Indp. Living Training, Assist in support of work)
- Employment (Hiring Of Beneficiary To Work For EN)
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Contact: Marc Uebelhardt
Phone: (808) 930-6200
Email: [email protected]
Address: 16-211 Kalara Street, Keaau, HI 95749
Web: https://www.facebook.com/employmentnetworkhawaii
For more information about the Employment Network system, visit our Ticket To Work FAQ.