With so many resources available to help people find jobs, it can be confusing where to start. This fact sheet is designed to give you ideas about where you can start your job search.
There are many steps involved in the process of finding a job. You, as a job seeker, will have to find the right balance of steps that is most effective for you.
Where can you look for a job?
- Internet
- Local libraries
- Newspapers
- Network with friends, family and neighbors
- One-Stop Career Centers
- Volunteering
Where to Start
The Internet offers many sites where you can look for jobs. By searching on Yahoo, Google, or other search engines, you can learn more about fields of interest so that you can become more informed before you apply for a job. Demonstrating your interest can go a long way, especially if you have little work experience or background in a particular field.
Job sites allow you to post your résumé online and apply directly via e-mail. Some sites will send you an email with new job listings that meet your needs. Some of the most popular job sites are Monster. Indeed and Careerbuilder. There are also job sites specifically for disabled individuals, such as disABLEDperson.com, Disability Jobsite and JobAccess.
Your Local Library is another place where you can get job seeking information and use their computers. Libraries have local and larger city newspapers.
Newspapers, like the Honolulu Star Advertiser, have employment sections every day, and most have a larger section on Sundays. Most newspapers have job listings on-line as well. The jobs listed on-line are typically updated daily.
One-Stop Career Centers provide a wide range of services, all for free:
- Initial Assessment
- Tutorials on use of Internet services and One-Stop facilities
- Self-help resources – Internet or printed
- Employment counseling, training information/matching, or other resource help
- On-line and computer resources for job information, resume writing, and career planning
- Computers, copiers, fax, telephone for job seeking related activities
- Hawaii’s One-Stops on each island are Oahu Worklinks, Kauai Workwise, WorkSourceMaui (and Molokai) and Big Island Workplace Connection.
Ways of Reaching Out to Find Your Job
Networking is an important part of the job search. Networking means talking to friends, family and other people you know to find information about businesses and job openings. Networking can:
- Help you find out about jobs that are not listed.
- Help you get noticed. If someone you know recommends you for a job at their workplace, you have a better chance of getting an interview.
- When you are thinking about networking, who should you be thinking of?
- Family members
- Friends
- Teachers and Classmates
- Neighbors
How should you start networking? Make a list of people you know. Call or meet with them and talk about what kind of job you want. Ask them to keep you in mind if they hear about job openings that fit your interests. The people you contact might also be good resources for informational interviews or volunteer opportunities.
Job shadowing, or watching people you know do their work, can help you learn more about jobs that interest you. This involves talking with people who are currently working in the type of job in which you are interested. If you get the opportunity to job shadow, dress professionally and thank the person for their time. Asking some questions can help you gain a better understanding of a particular job.
Volunteering is another way to find out about a specific job or business. Involvement with your community can widen your contacts. Even as little as one evening a week can lead to improved skills and a broader sense of contacts. This allows you to find out what your likes and dislikes are and what you are looking for in a job. When volunteering, remember to be professional, honor the time you promised, and say mahalo.
Visiting Job and Career Fairs can enable your to become more familiar with employers and the labor market. In preparing for a job fair:
- Get a list of participating employers and learn something about the companies
- Know your goals and objectives
- Be professional in dress and attitude
- Visit all company representatives
- Bring along a folder with copies of your resume
- Preparing for Job Interviews
- Preparing for your job interviews is essential. The more you know about a company and its industry, the better. Also, learn as much as you can about the type of job for which you are interviewing ahead of time. A list of questions about the job and the company can show that you have done your homework.
Job Searching With a Disability
You should know that companies and individuals interviewing you cannot ask you if you are disabled or ask about the nature of your disability. They can only ask if you can perform the duties of the job with reasonable accommodation. Disclosing your disability is voluntary.